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JohnCharles Kitchen

Serving Alta Cucina In The Grand Italian Tradition

Cooking Classes

I offer cooking classes to individuals and groups of all sizes. The classes are broken down into three categories, first are standard classes that cover the basics of kitchen etiquette and all food groups, second is advanced kitchen preparation and third is for custom built classes for your special interest. In addition to the first hand instruction, all classes given supply you with printed materials that that cover all aspects of the instructions for future reference.

Classed are normally scheduled in my commercial kitchen; they also can be performed off site in your kitchen if you would like. Call to 610-633-7999 to discuss or email me at sales@johncharleskitchen.com

1- Standard cooking classes are offered in the following topics:

2- Advanced cooking classes are offered in the following topics:

3- Custom cooking classes:

Either way, all is taken care of.


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